About Us

Old Toms Wormery is a small worm grower supplying very high quality worm products. At this size we still hand raise the worms in well stirred bins.

Our worms arrive to you in the bedding media rather than the usual box of ‘packed in peat moss’. So, the worms have a safe place in your new bin. They will venture out when it feels right. There is less transplant shock and a quicker start to your worm farm.

We also supply pet stores and bait shops in the San Jose area with cups of juicy worms. My animals love them as treats and protein supplements. I think your animals will like them a lot.

Our vermi-compost is based on paper/cardboard. The worms are fed mixed fruits and vegetables rather than the usual manures. These foods create a beautiful, fluffy compost that enriches your potting mixes.

I am personally working on an interesting mix of helpful products. Watch especially for a shredded cardboard bedding that worms enjoy while being very ecologically friendly.

We are a little company with big plans. The biggest is to have a great, fun time growing worms.